Nov 09, 2022, 23:33

How Taiwan’s Midterm Elections Work – Lev Nachman in The Diplomat

Taiwan’s Higher Education Union and Its Battles

Gaming this year’s unprecedented Taiwan local elections

Good article on Taiwan’s custody laws and practices, especially when one parent is a foreigner

Taiwan, land of megaliths

TSMC is expected to use 12.5% Taiwan’s electricity by 2025

RE: Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan — China’s focus was on their domestic audience

Linguistics locates the beginnings of the Austronesian expansion – with Indigenous seafaring people in eastern Taiwan

If you think Chinese raids on “Yizhou” give China sovereignty over Taiwan, then hand Ireland over to Iceland

Shelley Rigger’s research on changing youth attitudes matches my own sense, but I’d say it is even more negative since 2015

China and the US are facing off – and in Taiwan we are caught between them

Erase conviction of Bunun hunter, Control Yuan says - Taipei Times

Biden’s New Pandemic Plan May Shift Control From the CDC to the White House (Sounds like Taiwan’s CECC which works well? But with less trust in government could be a problem…)

Last living preserver of Indigenous Taiwanese facial tattoos dies

Transgender people in Taiwan hope for change in ID regulations after landmark court rulings

Taiwan’s divide that fueled shooting also splits my family - Los Angeles Times

Hong Kongers fled to Taiwan to escape China’s crackdown. Now they are leaving. (Taiwan can help? Not for refugees.)

How Taipei discovered an active volcano on its doorstep

Scientists are amazed at how fast Taiwan’s crust is moving

Vaccine hesitancy among Taiwan’s elderly

The colonel, the pilot and the policeman: Taiwan’s Japanese gods

Unrecognised Indigenous Groups of Taiwan and their Struggle for Language Revival – Taiwan Insight

Unpacking the Colonialist Undertones of the Indigenous People’s Basic Law: Law as a Tool of Oppression in Taiwan – Taiwan Insight

to those who say taiwan has no architecture, i say: why don’t you stroll awhile in cilou

After all, if most moves are likely to anger Beijing, why hold back from any of them?