A Link Between Alcohol and Cancer? It’s Not Nearly as Scary as It Seems (From 2017, but still a good introduction to how to think - and write - about risk.)
How Ben Shapiro Is Using Facebook To Build A Business Empire
This Train Crash in Taiwan Killed 49 People. It Didn’t Have to Happen. - The New York Times
Master’s degrees are the second biggest scam in higher education. (Not so bad in Taiwan, where the costs are lower and many foreign MA students have funding, but I often warn students away from MA programs in the US and UK.)
Climate change is not a reason to give China a pass on human rights.
Why did so many Americans receive strange packages they didn’t think they’d ordered? (SPOILER: they actually did order them, but had just forgotten about it…)
‘Gone With the Wind’ and the Difference Between Censorship and Context
Huge study supporting ivermectin as Covid treatment withdrawn over ethical concerns
“How Many More Have to Die?” Protesters March Against Vaccine Apartheid
New Coronavirus Variants Seen as Too Contagious for Hotel Quarantines
Better to Capture a State in Hell Than Serve Time in a Democracy - Timothy Burke on South Africa
Health officials rail against Pfizer’s push for COVID boosters—for many reasons
The story of a Korean monument to former dictator Chun Doo-hwan
K-pop’s surprisingly political history (If you’ve somehow slept through the global rise of K-pop, this is for you!)
Profile of two Amis language kindergartens in Hualien (These are great, but what happens when the kids start elementary school?)
Schools in Spain: The Spanish schools dropping out of bilingual education programs: ‘It’s a sham’