He escaped the Dark Web’s biggest bust. Now he’s back (This is all totally insane…)
How China Avoided Soviet-Style Collapse “Understanding the shifting balance of social forces, interest groups and political factions …to see how China escaped the shock therapy that brought down the Soviet Union.”
Europe needs to back browser-level controls to fix cookie consent nightmares, says privacy group (I thought it was bad before, but it really is much worse when you are in Europe…)
NY Times investigation on COVID in India: senior officials forced scientists at elite institutions to downplay the threat to prioritize Mr. Modi’s political goals
Why admitting Covid is Airborne is so hard. - by Jeremy Chrysler
You’re Missing Microbes. But Is ‘Rewilding’ the Way to Get Them Back?
The war in Afghanistan was far, far different from how it has been depicted in American media.
He said he knew Al Capone: Jewish spy for the Japanese in Shanghai who died a quiet death in Taipei
At the Border of Southern Taiwan: The 18 Communities of Lonckjau and the Seqalu People
How to quantify the ventilation rate of an indoor space using an affordable CO2 monitor
Afghanistan: “here are the key factors I see in today’s climax of a two-decade long fiasco”
Taiwan’s Indigenous star of ‘Seqalu: Formosa 1867’ dies from cancer