Bitcoin Uses More Electricity Than Many Countries. How Is That Possible?
In Modi’s India, there’s no more room for Muslim Bollywood superstars
COVID-19 vaccine gives 5 times the protection of ‘natural immunity,’ data show
Squid Game’s Strike Flashbacks Were Modeled on Our Real-Life Factory Occupation
Why Carl Schmitt Matters to China: Uncovering the pathology of Schmitt Fever
Facebook Services Are Used to Spread Religious Hatred in India, Internal Documents Show
Court rulings free Hong Kong police to probe older offences under security law (i.e. violations that took place BEFORE the law went into effect!!!)
Namewee and Kimberley Chen blocked on Weibo after releasing satirical duet
DPP lawmaker admits being a KMT informant (Who will be next?)
On the importance of The Free, Prior and Informed Consent in Indigenous Peoples and Business Activities in Taiwan
The Rise of the Chinese Tankie: The enemy of your enemy is not always your friend
Flatworms Can Reproduce by Ripping Themselves in Half (And the half without a head retains memories!)
They Had the Vaccines and a Plan to Reopen. Instead They Got Cold Feet