The average age of Lakota and Dakota speakers is 70. We are running out of time to save them.

Kids Highly Likely to Transmit COVID to Others

Step taken toward expanding support for international same-sex marriages in Taiwan

A look at all of Biden’s changes to energy and environmental regulations

Why Taiwan needs to reform its laws concerning LGBTQ family planning

Thomas Burnham, The Analogy Between the Cultural Revolution and “Cancel Culture:” A Historical Perspective

if the minimum wage had risen in step with productivity since 1968 it would be over $24 an hour,

Why some surnames are disappearing in China

To ensure equity, we should go to those populations, rather than expecting them to compete with others to navigate the barriers we’ve set up… (Not just true of vaccines!)

Inside ‘The Epoch Times,’ a Mysterious Pro-Trump Newspaper (Important nexus of pro-Trump misinformation in Taiwan as well.)

The force of a big lie resides in its demand that many other things must be believed or disbelieved.

‘China-watching’ is a lucrative business. But whose language do the experts speak? (Lovely and nuanced piece.)

Tribal Elders Are Dying From the Pandemic, Causing a Cultural Crisis for American Indians

Review of Andrew Liu’s Tea War: A History of Capitalism in China and India

Harvest of Dissent: A dispatch from the historic farmers’ protests in Punjab (Been waiting for some decent reporting on this aimed at a non -Indian audience!)

This excellent 15 min video from Le Monde (w/ English subs) shows exactly how we know the Chinese are lying Xinjiang.

Sounds like American Gods Season 3 is as bad as expected. I think I’ll give it a pass…

How Taiwan largely escaped the pandemic

Taipei Metro setting for new HBO Asia romantic comedy series

Chinese Solar Companies Tied to Use of Forced Labor

Vale Jan Blommaert

The interesting question is not what causes authoritarianism but what has ever suspended it

China greatly expands Xinjiang prison system even as re-education camps are disbanded, targets Muslims

Cuomo is the worst

Whither Taiwan’s universities?