India’s Covid Outbreak Is Now the World’s Fastest-Growing

Why you shouldn’t take Peter Wood seriously 《Alex’s 2015 post is newly relevant》

Blanked-out areas of Baidu Maps reveal location of Chinese camps, prisons, military facilities, the lot

Long article about John Comaroff and the allegations of sexual harassment in the Chronicle

Why Aren’t We Talking More About Ventilation? - Zeynep Tufekci

Facebook chose not to act on militia complaints before Kenosha shooting

COVID-19 Is Transmitted Through Aerosols. We Have Enough Evidence, Now It Is Time to Act

Earth Lost a ‘Staggering’ 28 Trillion Tonnes of Ice in Just 23 Years

Webinar Series: Indigenous Peoples, Heritage and Landscape in the Asia Pacific: Knowledge Co-Production, Policy Change, & Empowerment

An Open Letter to the Taiwanese American Community: Securing Taiwan’s Democracy 給台美人的一封公開信:守護台灣民主

Paperpile for iOS, Android and Word now available for everyone in public beta 🚀 《My favorite citation manager!》

How To Make Indoor Air Safer 《Must read for anyone teaching in-person classes this fall.》

Unfortunately, this article will only be shared by people who already know this to be true

Why the US Left should care about Beijing’s crackdown in Hong Kong

Tammy Duckworth: Republicans gut ADA in coronavirus relief bill

Bannon admits everything in live video from 2019

The Republican Embrace of QAnon Goes Far Beyond Trump

The Conan Doyle Estate owns the character developments from the last ten Sherlock Holmes stories?

Student who wrote story about biased algorithm has results downgraded

WeChat helped reunite Tibetan refugees. But at what cost?

How To Vote Using The Emergency Back-Up Ballot (FWAB)

How Congress Manufactured a Postal Crisis — And How to Fix it

Who was Detective Dee? Unravelling the mystery of a Tang-dynasty hero

A short thread highlighting one story from last week: “Trump’s secret political weapon: Wasting his opponents’ time” #MondayThread

Indigenous people are using the pandemic to preserve their languages.