University of Minnesota student jailed in China for Twitter posts
University of Minnesota student jailed in China for Twitter posts
Why is a coronavirus more dangerous than the common flu? This article is one of the few to answer that question.
Bernie Sanders’s Hard Fight for Hillary Clinton - The New Yorker 《News from 2016 that’s fallen down the memory hole.》
Exclusive: Apple dropped plan for encrypting backups after FBI complained
In Historic Shift, Second Largest Physicians Group in US Has New Prescription: It’s Medicare for All
Rep. Jayapal, a leading liberal, endorses Sanders for president
Martin Luther King and the ‘polite’ racism of white liberals
Delhi to be under draconian National Security Act for 3 months, police dismiss it as ‘routine’
I recently realized that there are people in America who don’t know who Pangzai is. This is a nice video introduction to “the king.”
My new bibliography format (to replace Chicago, MLA, APA, etc.) is called JFGI. Entries just list the author and work title, and if anyone wants to know more (publisher, year, location, journal, etc.) you Just Fucking Google It!
Greta and George: vote for people who defend nature. Join them.
Taiwan’s Immigration Policy: support, concerns and challenges
Taiwan to start Public Lending Right program for local authors 《Local authors will get paid a few cents every time their book is borrowed.》
Impeachment Without Class Politics: An Autopsy 《I’ve been frustrated with leftist takes on impeachment - I don’t buy the “distraction” argument - but this is worth reading.》
Public vote counting a powerful aspect of Taiwan’s democracy
Excellent analysis, from 2016, about the decline of the KMT. But it is useful to recall that people have been predicting the permanent decline of the GOP for decades and it hasn’t happened yet…
Hong Kong workers flock to labor unions as new protest tactic