Joe Biden’s Success Shows We Gave Obama a Free Pass - Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
Joe Biden’s Success Shows We Gave Obama a Free Pass - Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
Sober analysis of Sanders losses to Biden on Super Tuesday. Michigan is going to be tough… 😬
Can Bernie Sanders Still Win? He’s in a Very Strong Position
Confused Biden Announces He Is Dropping Out Of Race, Endorses Joe Biden
Inside the effort to save an indigenous Pacific Island language that the US tried to destroy
Yogita Limaye Delhi Violence on Vimeo 《Police bring rioters more stones when they run out!》
Super Tuesday: Long lines reported at polls in Texas, California
When and how to use masks 《From the WHO》
I should write a @popula piece on the very different Bangka I’ve experienced. One full of fancy cafés, gay bars, bougie couples with shiba inus, and hipsters like @brianhioe…
The WHO sent 25 international experts to China and here are their main findings after 9 days
Kept at the Hospital on Coronavirus Fears, Now Facing Large Medical Bills
Facebook’s top news story on Super Tuesday is about Hillary Clinton’s emails
Free College: Not So Extreme “It isn’t that way naturally: it was made extreme”
“Jealous Coronavirus” music video from Vietnamese Health Dept. w/ English subtitles
Minimum Wage Machine dispenses free money at the simple turn of a crank
No, You Do Not Need Face Masks To Prevent Coronavirus—They Might Increase Your Infection Risk
Reaching out to Undocumented Workers is Necessary to Contain COVID-19 Outbreak
Democrats Craving a Brokered Convention: Learn the Lessons of 1968
“a piece of the program labeled ‘reportInfoAndLocationToPolice’“
There Have Been 21 Debate Questions About Paying For Social Programs, Zero About Paying For War 《Not to mention the lack of questions on climate change…》
So today I tried to explain to my Taiwanese students why Americans think universal healthcare is a bad thing…
Public Enemy part ways with Flavor Flav - Chuck D says its about money