Sanders to the aid of democracy in the United States – Le blog de Thomas Piketty
Sanders to the aid of democracy in the United States – Le blog de Thomas Piketty
Stop saying Biden is the ‘most electable’. Trump will run rings round him
Taiwan scientists develop antibodies for 15-minute Wuhan virus test in 19 days
The Chinese translation of Laura Ahearn’s《Living Language》is finally out, bringing the discipline to a new audience. I was pleased to write the preface, which is now up on the Guavanthropology blog. (DM me for the English version.)
Remember when we were wondering if Bush wore a listening device under his jacket during the debate?
‘Highly Unjust’:Allahabad HC Directs Removal Of Banners Containing Photos Of Persons Accused Of Violence By 3 PM 《Sanity prevails … for now.》
The Lottery is probably the best thing ever written on American democracy.
Here’s the Difference Between Flexibility and Mobility – and Why It Matters 《I wish I had learned this 20 years ago, but it is never too late!》
UP Erects Giant Billboards With Names, Photos of Anti-CAA Protesters《Hard to be shocked by Indian politics, but this is truly shocking.》
Former US ambassador to USSR calls out the NY Times on their BS
Bernie Sanders’s Soviet sister-city outreach wasn’t unusual. It was a Reagan initiative.
There is hard data that shows that a centrist Democrat would be a losing candidate
125+ Reasons You Should Not Vote for Joe Biden 《I’ll vote for him if I have to, but it isn’t too late to do better.》
Democrats Rallying Around Joe Biden Could Alienate Generations of the Party’s Youth Support
Why Biden and Sanders beat Warren in her home state of Massachusetts “Warren has had a consistent gender imbalance when it comes to male and female voters.”