Why The Australian Ballet dancers quit stretching

The Bailout Is Working — for the Rich

Attorney General William Barr should resign over Michael Flynn decision, 1,900 former Justice Dept. employees say in letter

Coronavirus is no reason to cut Social Security

Supreme Court justices wrestle with Creek reservation case 《Ginsburg is not an ally on Indigenous sovereignty…》

So You’re Going Outside: A Physics-Based Coronavirus Infection Risk Estimator for Leaving the House

I am shown the library I’ll never have access to, and introduced to students I’ll never teach. I shake hands with faculty I’ll never see again… the course on fairy tales I’ll never offer. 《For so many people I know…》

Brazil opens 38,000 square miles of indigenous lands to outsiders 《Taiwan is only 12,456 sq. miles!》

Taiwan’s Weapon Against Coronavirus: An Epidemiologist as Vice President

Malaria ‘completely stopped’ by microbe 《Some hopeful news for a change…》

Primary Sources: History of Taiwan

The pandemic has exposed the bitter terms of our racial contract, which deems certain lives of greater value than others

The Risks - Know Them - Avoid Them

The Role of Digital Tools in Taiwan’s Response to Covid-19

Olufemi Taiwo argues that the problem of elite capture is not unique to identity politics, and that identity politics should serve to help build coalitions

Native Americans Paid for America’s Land-Grant Universities “Cornell, Virginia Tech, Ohio State and many more were created with wealth stolen from Indigenous people.”

Trump’s concern of personal infection contrasts with his lax attitude toward reopening businesses around the U.S.

The Pandemic Is the Time to Resurrect the Public University

From 2017: The Mueller report’s account of Michael Flynn’s lies

Taipei MRT launches app to measure passenger density 《Only the blue line for now》

Amazon VP Resigns, Calls Company ‘Chickenshit’ for Firing Protesting Workers

Three Russian doctors fall from hospital windows, raising questions amid coronavirus pandemic

Trump replaces Christi Grimm, HHS watchdog who found shortages in coronavirus testing, supplies at hospitals

I wrote a blog post(!) about my favorite new note taking app: Roam

How can Taiwan contain COVID-19 without restricting foreign residents?