Message from Chairman Cromwell: Court Rules in Favor of Tribe — Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe

Nursing Homes Fought Federal Emergency Plan Requirements for Years. Now, They’re Coronavirus Hot Spots. 《This, from a few weeks ago is a great example of why it matters which party is in power.》

Bennet admitted that the opinion page had seen Cotton’s tweets on the subject and “we did ask if he could stand up that argument. I’m not sure we suggested that topic to him but we did invite the piece.”

Donald Trump’s Praise for the Tiananmen Square Massacre: ‘When the Students Poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese Government Almost Blew It’

This Is How Much Major Cities Spend on Police Versus Everything Else

I spoke with Vitale about what roles police should and shouldn’t play, what he makes of the current protests and what actual change in the way police in this country do their jobs might look like.

The Only Solution Is to Defund the Police

An excerpt from Alex S. Vitale’s ‘The End of Policing’ shows how police forces were originally started to manage the poor, foreign and nonwhite, not to care for civilians.

Author Interview - R.F. Kuang, author of The Poppy War 《Upset to learn that I have to wait till November for book 3. Need to escape to another world these days…》

I Suddenly Thought of Your Face 《Thanks to DJ for translating this Guavanthropology piece on masks for us!》

Opinion: Killer Mike and T.I. sold out in Atlanta. Let’s talk about why they did it 《Not sure what to make of this but since I shared the Killer Mike video I thought I should share the critique…》

So, did the British invent thuggees?, my blog post from 2007 suddenly seems relevant again with the criminalization of “antifa” “thugs”.

A Decade Of Watching Black People Die

Trump’s Executive Order Isn’t About Twitter

“There is a connection between increased concentration of power and decreased participation of women” 《About Hollywood, but I think true of many other domains as well.》

Academic Freedom, Criticism of China and Racism

Coronavirus May Be a Vascular Disease, Which Explains Everything

In October Zuckerberg said before Congress that he would take down content calling for violence. Now that Trump did so, he says otherwise.

Netflix’s ‘Space Force’ minimizes Trump’s mistakes with poorly timed sitcom humor 《I couldn’t even finish watching the first episode it was so bad.》

Taiwan decriminalizes adultery, but there is more to be done 《specifically: Taiwan needs unilateral no-fault divorce》

BREAKING: Adultery No Longer Criminal Offense in Taiwan

Eric Foner · The Corrupt Bargain: Democracy? No thanks

Essentializing Labor Before, During, and After COVID-19

The Infinite Heartbreak of Loving Hong Kong

Taiwan targets truth not justice as it investigates darker times