Uber drivers in the US: protesting poor working conditions and low wages Expats in Taiwan: protesting not being able to impoverish Taiwan taxi drivers…

A University Press is a Vital Part of Stanford’s Identity as a University. It is Not Meant to Be a Profit-Making Entity. (Petition)

Gay Sex Robots are coming to Kill Us All

How Amazon automatically tracks and fires warehouse workers for ‘productivity’

NRA controversy: Oliver North ousted as president after alleged extortion scheme

That Alien High School Play Got To Put on an Encore Performance For Ripley Herself

To fight K-pop’s influence in China, a club teaches young boys to be alpha males

American Extremism Has Always Flowed from the Border (If you like this summary of the main argument, I highly recommend reading the whole book…)

Cultural Marxism Industry – Benjamen Walker’s Theory of Everything

Surgical strike against science and scholarship (In India)

Measles Cases in the USA, 1944-Present (Y-axis is logarithmic)

The Only African Samurai in History is Getting a Film Made About Him Called YASUKE

Any good articles on the recent terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka?

Due to the large number of grandmothers that die during exam week, “people from very small families would be well advised to discourage other family members from attending college” (PDF)

The political playing field isn’t fixed. It is possible to change the rules of the game!

It’s only been eight years since people gathered at Zuccotti Park… “Elizabeth Warren’s Plan to End Student Debt Is Surprisingly Realistic

Sun setting over Shoufeng

blistering barnacles

Netanyahu’s Israel – illiberal, exclusionary, racist – is now the political centre

8:53 P.M. — Zizek sniffs loudly

A Botyoncé, if you will, or BeyoncAI

A Specter Is Haunting Xi’s China: ‘Mr. Democracy’ - by Ian Johnson

‘I Have Revised My Idea of What a Uighur Heroine Should Be’

China may have recently demolished a Uighur mosque as old as Notre Dame

in the UK, women are 50 percent more likely to be misdiagnosed after a heart attack