After 15 Years, the Pirate Bay Still Can’t Be Killed

Black and blue

Young Pioneers, May Fourth Manifesto, June 2019

Even when news organizations don’t dare to call Taiwan a “country” the graphics of such maps make it abundantly clear that Taiwan is an independent sovereign entity with its own laws and helps highlight the absurdity of denying its (actual) status as a country.

Kenyan court upholds law making gay sex illegal

‘Battle of the Thermostat’: Cold Rooms May Hurt Women’s Productivity

South African woman becomes first legal foreign same-sex spouse in Taiwan

women who participate more in agricultural work have less leisure time (compared with hunter-gatherers)

IR Theory and ‘Game of Thrones’ Are Both Fantasies

Senate Committee Votes to Raise Defense Spending for Second Year in a Row to $750 Billion (Seems there are no budget constraints when it comes to war…)

The search for a ‘majority’ - The Hindu

How Narendra Modi Seduced India With Envy and Hate

2019 Taiwan East Coast Land Arts Festival

Remembering Ilya

Thousands of Immigrants Suffer in Solitary Confinement

Charity Won’t Solve Student Debt (From that hotbed of radicalism, the NY TImes Editorial Board!)

Jared Diamond’s “Upheaval” belongs to the genre of 30,000-foot books, which sell an explanation of everything. I travel often and see them a lot: at airport bookstores…

Springtime for Dany and Westeros Winterfel is happy and gay We’re marching to a faster pace Look out, here comes the dragon’s breath…

As bad as the #gameofthrones ending was, it was still much better than the endings of either Lost or Battlestar Galactica! I know that’s setting the bar pretty low, but it really could have been much worse…

Food, call bell, phone: Cave PM Modi meditated in can be rented for Rs 990 per day (Just needs a minibar…)

More than 250 same-sex couples to register marriage in Taiwan

Momentous but Bittersweet: Same-Sex Marriage in Taiwan

Abortion is Immoral, Except When It Comes to My Mistresses (Trigger warning!)

Abortions by mail are available now in the US. Here’s what you need to know.

The Real Reason Fans Hate the Last Season of Game of Thrones (Zeynep Tufekci gets it.)