Upsetting how little support there is in Taiwan for the EVA Flight Attendants Strike. Hard to fight the corporate media…
Upsetting how little support there is in Taiwan for the EVA Flight Attendants Strike. Hard to fight the corporate media…
The film Memento may be the best analogy for social media ever made.
One thing I haven’t seen yet written about Chernobyl is any discussion of the numerous homages to various horror films and thrillers littered throughout each episode. He wasn’t particularly subtle about it, but I don’t feel it interfered with the story.
This really happened.
I want to re-plug Greg Grandin’s book, The Myth of the American Frontier, which gives vital historical context to the brutality of the border.
We tried to publish a replication of a Science paper in Science. The journal refused.
We must stop the US from going to war with Iran - Bernie Sanders
The ending of Ep 2 of Chernobyl was one of the most devastating things I’ve ever seen on TV. Trying to find the will power to watch Ep 3… I do recommend listening to the official podcast along with the show.
Trump Approves Strikes on Iran, but Then Abruptly Pulls Back
Rose Cleveland: The gay first lady wrote love letters to her longtime partner
Are millennials really growing horns from using their phones?
If, like me, you always wondered why National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) was called a “normal” university, this post from Mark Liberman will be of interest.
If, like me, you always wondered why National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) was called a “normal” university, this post from Mark Liberman is worth reading.
Secret Files Show How Brazil’s Elites Jailed Former President Lula and Cleared the Way for Bolsonaro
Bernie Sanders Calls for Release of Brazil’s Ex-President Lula
Ethnic minority protestor dared not to stand in the front line “The Hongkongers that are not regarded as Hongkongers”
Any discussion of Concentration Camps should also mention the “Criminal Tribes Act” in colonial India!
Do Warren supporters (a) not care about foreign policy? (b) think a genuinely lefty foreign policy will make someone unelectable? Or © think the status quo is just fine and dandy if done by someone who can find Iran on a map?
Uber Deities?
Two specialized muscles give dogs a range of expression that wolves eyes’ lack
Alex Golub is blogging again. Which is horrible, because in three posts I’ve learned of at least 3 books I want to read and I really don’t have time for that!