Human rights organizations based in Israel voice concern before Bundestag President over motion defining BDS as antisemitism

My sympathies to all the Indigenous scholars out there. I can only begin to imagine what it must be like to deal with people challenging the very concept of “indigeneity” every time you post something publicly. (And to those who feel the need to do the same here…please don’t.)

The Missing: Meet the families torn apart by China’s crackdown on Uyghurs

India for the last five years has been in a state of internal siege

Where Are All the Bob Ross Paintings? We Found Them.

there is no official method for counting people who live in their vehicles.

An Incomplete Taiwanese History of Cyan in Taiwan

President Trump cannot block his critics on Twitter, federal appeals court rules

Hong Kong’s Carrie Lam says extradition Bill is ‘dead’ ‘she said she did not think protesters would believe her if she used the word “withdraw”’

Now that billionaire child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein is back in the news, it seems like a good time to take a closer look at allegations that Donald Trump raped a 13-year-old girl at Epstein’s Manhattan home in 1994. (Twitter thread)

I Tried to Warn You About Sleazy Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein in 2003

Taiwan’s Status is a Geopolitical Absurdity (Pretty good, but I’d add that the KMT was pretty “bloody” too…)

For better or worse linguistic anthropologists generally draw upon a fairly narrow set of theoretical and methodological tools, sustaining a sense of a shared project. Visual anthropologists, on the other hand, seem unable to agree as to whether their sub-discipline even exists…

though Mulan and her people are indeed called to serve against invaders, it’s never specified… which invaders they’re talking about

I love Shinsekai Yori so much…

The reporter on the NYT’s Bernie Sanders beat consistently fails to identify her sources as corporate lobbyists

Britain’s story of empire is based on myth. We need to know the truth by Priyamvada Gopal

‘Do You Support Busing?’ Is Not the Best Question

Elizabeth Warren’s first law review article blasted an anti-busing court ruling

Anthropologists Hid African Same-Sex Relationships

Why the Labour Union Faces Complete Defea (Sounds like EVA Air’s flight attendants needed better leadership… too bad.)

The Face of Protest in Hong Kong

UChicago newspaper staff made the wrong call by not publishing an article about the persecution of Uyghur Muslims

Taiwan’s president is tired of getting trolled for being a childless, single woman

After Istanbul voters rejected Turkish strongman Erdogan, he made them vote again - and lost by the biggest landslide in 35 years