How to Turn a Person Into a Voter

The MJ Akbar playbook: Men look back at how he preyed on women colleagues in newsrooms and got away

A lot of the citations I’ve seen to my work rarely engage with anything beyond the title. Lesson learned: put more work into picking article titles!

Just because “economic anxiety” doesn’t explain the rise of Fascism doesn’t mean that Socialism isn’t the answer.

Cornell halts China university ties over curbs on academic freedom

How many of you actually read academic book reviews? I find it rarely worth the effort of getting around a paywall for pieces that invariably do little more than summarize the table of contents. Better to go directly to the publisher’s website for more info and a sample excerpt…

A new authoritarian axis demands an international progressive front

What Happens When Colleges Can’t Use Affirmative Action

The EU’s Link Tax Will Kill Open Access and Creative Commons News

Finally! I never thought this day would come … “ARC number format to be in line with national IDs” (Although it means having to update every ID and account, it’s worth it in the long run…)

Pittsburgh Shooting Is A Reminder: Jews And Muslims Are In This Together

At times like this, in the face of such hatred, it is especially important to make clear that the ADL does not speak for all Jews. There are many other groups like @jvplive that don’t use hate as an excuse to support apartheid.

Indigenous land, culture at stake in Brazil election

Taiwan’s Gay Pride Parade Draws Thousands, as Votes on Same-Sex Marriage Near 🏳️‍🌈👬👭🇹🇼

Pinghe Mural

Sticking out

Residents of Kashgar going to market. (Fall 1990)

Xi Jinping Thought mapped for the masses

Breakfast by the lake

Apple Fixes Bagel Emoji

Shuttered Polling Sites Cast Shadow Over Midterm Elections

🐌 fest

Marion Stanford’s yard sign of GOP elephant with trunk up girl’s skirt confiscated

Foamy weather
