Misty mountains
Sex, lies and heated debate: Taiwan prepares to vote in gay marriage referendum
Hillary Clinton: Europe must curb immigration to stop rightwing populists (This is the lesson she learned from 2016?)
WHITEUMENTA 第九屆台灣國際實驗媒體藝術展 = 白男人文件展 Experimental Media Art Festival in Taiwan 2018
Thank you Netflix for finally giving us a skip ahead button!
Politician left a sponge in my mailbox.
“What’s at issue is not race, but sovereignty.” Why conservatives are attacking a law meant to protect Native American families
Huh? “‘Caniba’ Review: Documentary About a Cannibal Is Food for Thought“
Does a dog feel a profound sense of mono no aware (物の哀れ) when it destroys a favorite toy?
A new day in New Taipei
I could never understand why airlines discourage you from checking luggage. Turns out that extra space is used for paid cargo.
While meetings like #amanth2018 can be overwhelming, you are sure to meet lots of amazing young scholars who are, at great personal cost, and with little hope of landing a TT job, nonetheless doing amazing, relevant, scholarship. Depressing, yes, but also inspiring! 加油!
Will an ambitious Chinese-built rail line through the Himalayas lead to a debt trap for Nepal?
Not only are @soclinganth student memberships free, but they plan to offer (a limited number of) travel grants to students and non-TT faculty who present papers at the conference! #AmAnth2018
The Society of Linguistic Anthropology @soclinganth is the fourth largest AAA @AmericanAnthro section, by number of members, out of 42 sections! #AmAnth2018
Susan Philips: “For Jane Hill, no language was ever alone.” #amanth2018
Dolores Huerta, in her opening keynote at #AmAnth2018 asked us to remember the names of the UFW Martyrs: alvaradofrazier.com/2012/03/3…
I only got to watch the first half of “The Big Call” 《猜猜我是誰》on the plane, but if you’ve been waiting for a blockbuster action drama about Chinese phone scammers…