Why the Taiwan Midterm Elections Matter

Misty mountains

Sex, lies and heated debate: Taiwan prepares to vote in gay marriage referendum

Hillary Clinton: Europe must curb immigration to stop rightwing populists (This is the lesson she learned from 2016?)

WHITEUMENTA 第九屆台灣國際實驗媒體藝術展 = 白男人文件展 Experimental Media Art Festival in Taiwan 2018

Thank you Netflix for finally giving us a skip ahead button!

Politician left a sponge in my mailbox.

“What’s at issue is not race, but sovereignty.” Why conservatives are attacking a law meant to protect Native American families

Huh? “‘Caniba’ Review: Documentary About a Cannibal Is Food for Thought

Why Are Young People Having So Little Sex?

Does a dog feel a profound sense of mono no aware (物の哀れ) when it destroys a favorite toy?

A new day in New Taipei

I could never understand why airlines discourage you from checking luggage. Turns out that extra space is used for paid cargo.

While meetings like #amanth2018 can be overwhelming, you are sure to meet lots of amazing young scholars who are, at great personal cost, and with little hope of landing a TT job, nonetheless doing amazing, relevant, scholarship. Depressing, yes, but also inspiring! 加油!

Will an ambitious Chinese-built rail line through the Himalayas lead to a debt trap for Nepal?

Falling Population Squeezes Taiwan’s Universities

Not only are ‪@soclinganth‬ student memberships free, but they plan to offer (a limited number of) travel grants to students and non-TT faculty who present papers at the conference! #AmAnth2018

The Society of Linguistic Anthropology ‪@soclinganth‬ is the fourth largest AAA ‪@AmericanAnthro‬ section, by number of members, out of 42 sections! #AmAnth2018

A Black Man Can’t Have a Torah?

Too hard to translate soup

Susan Philips: “For Jane Hill, no language was ever alone.” #amanth2018

Dolores Huerta, in her opening keynote at #AmAnth2018 asked us to remember the names of the UFW Martyrs: alvaradofrazier.com/2012/03/3…

The Political Theology of Trump

I only got to watch the first half of “The Big Call” 《猜猜我是誰》on the plane, but if you’ve been waiting for a blockbuster action drama about Chinese phone scammers…

UT San Antonio Prof called the police on African American student who had propped her feet up on the seat in front of her