Only “the best anthropological articles” …
Emergency room bills: what I learned from reading 1,182 ER bills ($5,751 for an ice pack?!)
EASA statement on data governance in Ethnographic Projects (PDF) #dendum
There is something very pleasurable about taking a talk you meticulously cut down to 15 min, and then fleshing it out again to fill 45 min. You already have the framework and all the essential points, so you can just enjoy yourself a bit.
How Long ‘til Black Future Month? by @nkjemisin has some amazing stories.
Interesting podcast interview with Paul Farrelly about his research on the history of New Agism in Taiwan.
Can the Yellow Vests Speak? December 16, 2018 Update to my original post. (Still more confusion…)
Only 2 of the 166 gilets jaunes interviewed for this sociological study mentioned immigration as a concern.
Japan’s Juntendo University admits rigging interviews to keep women out
Commoning Ethnography, new open access journal exploring indigeneity and ocean commons, poetry & ethnography, activism & research, feminist commons, sonic ethnography, pedagogical experiments, the relationship between Māori scholarship and anthropology… #dendum
Taiwan supporters shouldn’t be so desperate as to quote Ted Yoho approvingly. Have some self respect!
What Not: lost feminist novel that anticipated Brave New World finally finds its time
The Small Island Where 500 People Speak Nine Different Languages
Finally caught up a bit on reading about the Yellow Vests movement, and I’m very worried about what I’ve learned.
Did Vox’s Matthew Yglesias just call for a massive nationwide campaign of civil disobedience? Yes. I believe he did.
Population Mountains (Excellent data visualization)
You know that cartoon where someone asks: “Suppose climate change is a big hoax and we create a better world for nothing?” Debates about populism are like that: “Suppose it was always just about racism and we end neoliberalism for nothing?” 🤔