Chinese Police Officers Raided Mosques In Yunnan Province

Protests after violent seizure of Peking University’s Marxist Society

China’s disappeared: a look at who went missing in 2018

There’s a massive free catalogue of Indigenous films online — and we have 6 picks to get you started

Indigenous City Councilor’s Swearing-In Ceremony Declared Invalid for Being Conducted in Amis

The Social Network of US Academic Anthropology and Its Inequalities

“Everything Is Fake”: Ex-Reddit CEO Confirms Internet Traffic Metrics Are Bullshit

6 Taiwanese universities caught sending SE Asian students to work in factories 😲😳🤯

Indigenous Nation Blocks TransCanada Pipeline with New Checkpoint

Kirie Octopus Cut From a Single Piece of Paper by Masayo Fukuda

Draft national language development act clears legislative floor

Classic Hong Kong movie character goes viral as “Chinese Santa”

The Most Depressing Finnish Christmas Songs

Users delighted by product that means they don’t go red when they drink alcohol

As Andaman islands are renamed after Bose, a reminder: Netaji’s INA was intensely disliked by locals

Translations of Jabberwocky into Japanese, Catalan, Esperanto, and even Yiddish!

No, objecting to Cambridge’s appointment of a eugenicist is not about free speech

vaping has wiped out two decades of work getting teens to quit (or never start) cigarette smoking

Hey, Australia! You no longer need to come to Taiwan to see our famous meat-shaped stone

China Applies Xinjiang’s Policing Lessons to Other Muslim Areas

Here, police atrocities are part of rehearsals for us.” Atish in a nice student film about Budhan Theatre

Theatre activist from Ahmedabad alleges harassment by city police

My list of activist syllabi has been updated, now includes #metooanthro resources and a syllabus on Elizabeth Warren, Cherokee Citizenship, & DNA Testing #dendum

An army and navy (On languages, dialects, and topolects.)

Is Denaturalization the Next Front in the Trump Administration’s War on Immigration?